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Happy new year…opps if it’s not the January …
Happy whenever you are listening to this.
Today, I’m going to show you the 4 simple step process that can help you start the year off strong and crush any resolutions that you want to set.
Whether thesegoals have to do with yourself, your relationships with your most important people in your life. Or your business and career, like you want to launch a new service or product,
or maybe you want to expand your team, write a book or step up your marketing game.
I know that you will have so many things on your plate that you will feel like your beautiful head is going to explode.
But just take a moment and think about these key points to help keep you focused on your goals.
One thing that’s very important, is to not edit or censor yourself. Don’t stop and think I don’t know how I’m gonna get this one done. All I want you to do is to get everything out of your head and onto the page.
You know, I do this exercise often and I have to tell you, it feels so good seeing all your bold ideas laid out in front of you. You’re gonna get a massive surge in energy once you do this, and then you’re gonna be ready for the first step.
1. Write down everything that you want to achieve on paper
Think about what you want your life to be about this year and jot them down in a list. How do you want to spend your time over these next 12 months, who do you really want to become? These are big important questions. They’re not necessarily that easy to answer but it is vital that you do.
Now step number 2 is to
2. Trim back your list of what you want to work on over the next 12 months.
You might say….Huyen..I don’t want to lose anything off my list, I like all of my projects. I still want to do that and that and that, don’t make me cut it off. Look, I understand, most ambitious, driven people take on way too much, and I bet you do this all of the time.
You might have your focus scattered, you’re going to dilute your energy, and then you might end up feeling overwhelmed and either quit or just spin your wheels and never make any meaningful progress. That’s why I am suggesting that you take the opposite approach. I want you to focus on the critical few things rather than the trivial many. Really focus down…
What are the small number of projects that are going to give you the highest, most powerful, and most meaningful results in your life?
You need to get uber focused with your energy.
Now moving on to Step 3…
3. Break down that big project or goal into small actionable items
Don’t just create vague items in your to do list. Let’s say if you want to step up your marketing game and generate more new patients for your practice…what will be the actionable items for that? It could be revamping your website, finding an agency to help….once again, it has to be specific and actionable.
Now this next step is to…
4. Transfer all of your goals and your projects into your calendar
I always like to say…if it’s not scheduled, it won’t get done.
I want to show you what has been the most powerful tool for helping me to get things done and move forward faster.
It is this little planner that costs just $6 bucks, and it is literally one of my most indispensable items that helped transform my life and business to the stage that I could never have imagined turning out this way 12 years ago when I first picked up a planner from my university in the US, and I started planning my day, my week, my year and my life by doing exactly what I mentioned above.
So now my friend, it is time for you to take a look at your list and if you find yourself being torn up about what to cut back or what to keep, you can look at each item on your list through one of these three filters;
Filter number one, is to ask yourself, what is the payoff for making this project happen? What’s the impact for reaching this goal and how is that going to impact your life mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically or financially?
Filter number two, ask yourself how will this project ultimately benefit others? You know, what’s the payoff for the other people in your life, the people that you love?
Whether that’s your family or your team or even the greater society.
And filter number 3, and I think this one is actually the most important filter, who will you have to become in order to make this goal or this project a reality?
So in other words, what habits or skills or character traits will you need to develop in order to make this thing come to life?
Big hint here, any project or goal that stretches you, that requires you to grow, is always going to be more rewarding than the ones that don’t.
If you go through those filters and think, “That’s not really worth it” or “that’s not a big payoff for me right now” or “I’m just not down for that kind of commitment” it is time to cross that one off you list.
And of course, if you just start crushing through your list of projects and you get things done so fast that you’re like …look at me… you can always go back to your original list and add more items to your plate.
And now, if you want to know how to get things done faster and create more time for your day for yourself and your family. Check out this video “Have you joined the 5 am club?” and you will get my answer for that.
One of the best decisions that ‘ve done in the last few years in terms of getting all of my important work done and move the needle faster was to join the 5 am club 6 years ago and I’ve never looked back.
This is one of the key attributes for getting my business to grow 166% after the first year I’ve joined this club and I’ll show you why in this video.
Now, as I said morning is the best time to learn… and so if you haven’t had the time to attend our 3 Must-Do Strategies to Generate More New Patients and Referral webinar that we talk about on our previous shows, I would suggest that you spend one of those first early hours of your morning attending that webinar…
I’ll leave a link to it in the show notes so you can sign up.
Thanks for turning in and hope to see you in our webinar.
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